We are Monkleigh Primary School - Passionate about your childs start at school. read more


At present there are approximately 100 pupils on roll. The children are divided into four classes. Please browse to the following pages to see photos and news:

Foundation Stage Unit

Class 1 - Years 1 & 2

Class 2 - Years 3 & 4

Class 3 - Years 5 & 6

    There are a variety of school clubs available for the children at Monkleigh School to join. These include Muliti-Sports (football, netball, cricket etc), Cross Country Club, Dancing and Film Club.

    We are proud to say that Monkleigh School has achieved a "Healthy Schools Award," and an "International Schools Award" (at foundation level). We have also attained an achievement for exceptional delivery within the P.E. and Sports Strategy.