Welcome to Class 3 with Mr Stevens, Ms Beasley and Mrs Bennett.
January 2025
Class 3 has had an amazing week this week. We have been working on lots of subjects with equal determination on all.
Year 6s finished their topic on fractions and all of them have shown a brilliant understanding. Year 5s are also working extremely hard on adding fractions. We will be moving onto subtracting next week.
In history we are looking at the English Civil War. We’ve been identifying the differences between the Roundheads and Cavaliers and the 3 main causes of the war itself. We have an exciting trip planned to Torrington for February though I will give you the final details soon.
Today in Science, we have been learning about life cycles of mammals. We have been creating spinning life cycles to show each stage clearly.
Well done to the 8 boys who went to GTS today representing the school in the five aside football tournament.
October 2024
Our Year 5/6 Children have enjoyed using the primary colours to create different shades of colours that we may see whilst out and about in North Devon.
September 2024
Another busy week in Class 3. In literacy we have been publishing our final descriptive paragraph, describing an imaginary place. I have been blown away by the quality of all of these, they have spent ages perfecting the language and their handwriting all of which are fabulous. In art we have been creating different shades of colours from the primary colours and thinking of creative names to call them. This will help us with our next challenge of making the shades of North Devon. In maths Year 5s have finished their topic on place value and have shown us all they have learnt by writing on the tables.
We have had another brilliant week in Class 3. The year 6’s have finished their maths topic on place value, I am beyond impressed with how well they have all done. In literacy we have been looking at improving our language looking at synonyms of different ‘boring’ words, we finished off the week writing a description of an imaginative picture using their new language, and these are all amazing. In geography, we have been looking at ordnance survey maps and identifying different places on the maps. In art, we have been doing observational drawings of the items they had brought in. We have had a change of plan in music and are very lucky to have Mr Hamilton teaching us how to play the trombone for the term.
We have had a brilliant week this week. In literacy we have been recapping the basics of sentence structure, in maths both years have been looking at numbers up to 1,000,000. In art we have been looking at different shading and sketching techniques and in computing we have been breaking different types of codes.