We are Monkleigh Primary School - Passionate about your childs start at school. read more



At Monkleigh, we aim to prepare our learners for the future by providing them with opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for a constantly changing digital world. Knowledge and understanding of ICT is vital for the children’s future both at home and for employmentWe want children to become independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities. We intend on bridging the gap left by historically poor rural internet speeds and poor resources to ensure our children have the same opportunities as children in larger schools, towns and cities.  

As a school we use the Kapow Scheme of Learning to meet the national curriculum programme of study for Computing. Our curriculum objectives are divided into five main areas: Computing Systems and Networks, Programming, Creating Media, Data Handling and Online Safety. These cover all areas of the Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science areas as outlined in the National Curriculum.

Each class is taught four computing units a year, either weekly or as a block. Planning and teaching is supported by the Kapow resources, which are designed by expert teachers but adapted as necessary by teachers at Monkleigh. We have two class sets of Chromebooks, which the children from Years 1 –6 use. We are predominantly a google school and therefore the children use google documents to complete work and activities. Seesaw is used throughout the school but particularly within our Foundation Stage Unit, which use a set of Ipads to best support this with the younger children.  Our curriculum allows the children to achieve each element of the Computing curriculum and allows lots of opportunities to enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum. Online safety is an area that we as a school feel is extremely important for children to be knowledgeable about and is therefore taught in stand-alone lessons within our Computing curriculum but is also woven into many other units of computing and other subject areas.   

Our Computing curriculum will ensure that when children leave Monkleigh Primary school, they will be competent and safe users of ICT and will have a good understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in using digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in Computing to a variety of different situation in the future. 

The work given to pupils, over time and across the school, consistently matches the aims of the curriculum. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning.

Pupils are making progress in that they know more, remember more, understand more and do more. They are learning what is intended in the curriculum.

All learning builds towards end points, these end points will be in children’s books at the end of each unit of work and demonstrate the learning and impact of the unit of work. 


