At Monkleigh Primary School, we believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage is crucial in securing solid foundations that children will build upon to ensure that they are effective andenthusiasticlearners who will know more and remember more, understand and do more and be completely ready and excited about their next stage of learning.
It is our intent that the children who enter our EYFS develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as an individual and we are passionate and ambitious in ensuring that all children receive high quality learning and teaching to enable them to achieve their full, unique potential. Teaching the children independence and Self Regulation skills is high on the agenda. Language development is central to effective Self Regulation and goes hand in hand with our commitment to developing Communication and Language.
We are committed to developing the ‘Whole Unique Child’ through a challenging, carefully planned and sequenced, engaging and inspiring and ambitious curriculum and environment. We have the same ambitions for all children in our setting and will skilfully shape the learning journey to ensure that every child has the essential knowledge, skills and experiences to ensure that they succeed.
Communication and Language is a real priority for all of the children in our setting. During every experience, interaction and conversation, we introduce, teach and develop the use of challenging vocabulary to develop and foster a love for language, books, stories, songs and rhymes. We are strongly committed to providing a range of meaningful learning experiences, in order to enrich learning and to teach, develop and provide opportunities to revisit Communication and Language skills. We have high expectations for the ways in which children can and should communicate and introduce the children to the Oracy Curriculum which is taught throughout the school.
The teaching of Phonics and Reading skills and Reading for Pleasure is of the utmost importance and the highest priority in our FSU. Accessing the world of words quickly and effectively opens up the whole world to our young learners. Carefully planned and structured Read Write Inc phonics lessons start straight away in a child’s Reception Year. During Nursery, children's listening, oral blending, sound discrimination and rhyming skills are progressively taught. In the Summer Term prior to starting Reception, Nursery children are taught the RWI Nursery programme.
Our ambitious Curriculum Goals for Nursery and Reception outline what we want the children to know and be able to do by the end of the year. These are what we strive towards every day in what we provide for our children.
At Monkleigh Primary School, we strongly believe that the beginning of our children’s educational journey ignites the flame for learning and is imperative in “transforming lives, transforming communities”.